Burket's Oral Medicine

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Edition: 13th
Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2021-10-05
Publisher(s): Wiley-Blackwell
List Price: $316.74

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This thoroughly revised Thirteenth Edition of Burket’s Oral Medicine reflects the scope of modern Oral Medicine with updated content written by 80 contributing oral medicine and medical experts from across the globe.

The text emphasizes the diagnosis and management of diseases of the mouth and maxillofacial region as well as safe dental management for patients with complex medical disorders such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, infectious diseases, bleeding disorders, renal diseases, and many more.

In addition to comprehensively expanded chapters on oral mucosal diseases, including those on ulcers, blisters, red, white and pigmented lesions, readers will also find detailed discussions on:  

  • orofacial pain, temporomandibular disorders, headache and salivary gland disease;
  • oral and oropharyngeal cancers, including the management  of oral complications of cancer therapy;
  • genetics, laboratory medicine and transplantation medicine;
  • pediatric and geriatric oral medicine;
  • psychiatry and psychology;
  • clinical research; and
  • interpreting the biomedical literature 

The Thirteenth Edition of Burket’s Oral Medicine is an authoritative reference valuable to students, residents, oral medicine specialists, teachers, and researchers as well as dental and medical specialists.

Author Biography

The editors 

Michael Glick, DMD, FDS RCSEd, is Professor in the School of Dental Medicine at the University at Buffalo, State University of New York in Buffalo, New York, USA.  

Martin S. Greenberg, DDS, FDS RCSEd, is Professor Emeritus of Oral Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.  

Peter Lockhart, DDS, FDS RCSEd, FDS RCPS, is Research Professor of Oral Medicine at Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.  

Stephen Challacombe PhD, FRCPath, FDS RCSEd, FMedSci, is the Martin Rushton Professor of Oral Medicine, King’s College, London, UK.

Table of Contents


List of Contributors

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Oral Medicine and Oral Diagnosis: Patient Evaluation

Michael Glick, Martin S. Greenberg, Peter B. Lockhart, and Stephen J. Challacombe

Chapter 2 – Overview of Clinical Research

Dena J. Fischer, Darien Weatherspoon, and Mary A. Cutting

Chapter 3 – Ulcerative, Vesicular, and Bullous Lesions

Sook Bin Woo, Jane F. Setterfield, and Martin S. Greenberg

Chapter 4 – Red and White Lesions of the Oral Mucosa

Ivan Alajbeg, Stephen J. Challacombe, Palle Holmstrup, and Mats Jontell

Chapter 5 – Pigmented Lesions of the Oral Mucosa

Alfredo Aguirre, Faizan Alawi, and Jose Luis Tapia

Chapter 6 – Benign Lesions of the Oral Cavity and the Jaws

A. Ross Kerr and Denise A. Trochesset

Chapter 7 – Head and Neck Cancer

Amber Watters, Heidi J. Hansen, Ashish A. Patel, and Joel Epstein

Chapter 8 - Oral Complications of Nonsurgical Cancer Therapies

Siri Beier Jensen and Douglas E. Peterson

Chapter 9 – Salivary Gland Diseases

Leah M. Bowers, Arjan Vissink, and Michael T. Brennan

Chapter 10 – Temporomandibular Disorders

Richard Ohrbach, Thomas Sollecito, Temitope Omolehinwa, and Martin S. Greenberg

Chapter 11 – Neuropathic Orofacial Pain

Olga A. Korczeniewska, Katherine France, Junad Khan, Martin S. Greenberg, Benoliel Rafael, and Eliav Eli

Chapter 12 – Common Headache Disorders

Pei Feng Lim, Scott De Rossi, and Massimiliano Di Giosia

Chapter 13 – Diseases of the Respiratory Tract

Lyvia Y. Leigh, Patrick Vannelli, Heidi C. Crow, Sandhya Desai, Mark Lepore, Robert Anolik, and Michael Glick

Chapter 14 – Diseases of the Cardiovascular System         

Peter B. Lockhart and Yee-Ping Sun

Chapter 15 – Diseases of the Gastrointestinal Tract

Jeremy Sanderson and Michael Paul Escudier

Chapter 16 – Renal Diseases

Karo Parsegian, Ruchir Trivedi, and Effie Ioannidou

Chapter 17 – Hematologic Diseases

Vidya Sankar and Alessandro Villa

Chapter 18 – Bleeding and Clotting Disorders

Joel J. Napeñas and Lauren L. Patton

Chapter 19 – Immunologic Diseases

Vasileios Ionas Theofilou, Joanne Konkel, Nikolaos G. Nikitakis, and Niki Moutsopoulos

Chapter 20 – Transplantation Medicine

Sharon Elad, Marie Laryea, and Noam Yarom

Chapter 21 – Infectious Diseases

Michael J. Durkin, Noha Seoudi, and Raj Nair

Chapter 22 – Disorders of the Endocrine System and of Metabolism

Mark Schifter, Mark McLean, and Suma Sukumar

Chapter 23 – Neurologic Diseases

Eric T. Stoopler and Michael L. McGarvey

Chapter 24 – Psychiatric and Psychologic Aspects of Oral Health

J. Tim Newton and Beth J. Guildford

Chapter 25 – Pediatric Oral Medicine

Catherine Hong and Christel Haberland

Chapter 26 – Geriatric Oral Medicine

Katharine Ciarrocca and Christine Downey

Chapter 27 - The Role of Genetics in Oral Medicine

Olga A. Korczeniewska, Thomas C. Hart, and Scott R. Diehl

Chapter 28 – Laboratory Medicine and Diagnostic Pathology

Brian C. Muzyka, John Christie, and Bobby Collins

Chapter 29 – How to Identify, Interpret, and Apply the Scientific Literature to Practice

Alonso Carrasco-Labra, Malavika Tampi, Olivia Urquhart, Scott Howell, Austin Booth, and Michael Glick


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